Setup robot description

This use-case describes how to set up a robot description package using scripts from ROS Team Workspace (RosTeamWS) framework. The package follows as far as possible best practices for robot support packages from ROS-Industrial consortia. (This has to be verified!)

Script for Setting up Description Package

setup-robot-description script accepts the robot name and, optionally, the package name. If the package name is not set, it is guessed from the current path using the folder’s name. The script has to be executed from the package folder where the description should be generated.

Note: it is recommended to setup your package using create-new-package script.

The scripts copies template files from the templates/robot_description folder, rename the files, and replaces the placeholders.

Usage of script for setting up the robot description.
setup-robot-description ROBOT_NAME [PKG_NAME]

After all files are copied and placeholders set, a commit is automatically created.

To test the generated files compile and source your workspace and execute:

Test generated files.
ros2 launch <PKG_NAME>  view_<ROBOT_NAME>